Rehabilitering på Sunnaas Sykehus
Rehabilitation Week 2 and 3 on Sunnaas
Week 2 on Sunnaas

A new week here at Sunnaas is ahead of me, and I am motivated for the challenges that must come.
The weekend at home was fine, but I felt that I was completely empty when I got home on Friday, a lot of new impressions and information that had to be processed after the first week at Sunnaas, only positive things, but opening up to the health staff, reliving the accident and the time after has been mentally demanding, and being a bit social with other patients has also been a lot compared to how my life has been for the last year or so, but it's good to be arond other people again.
5 December 2024
Thursday, nice week so far, we have worked on different things so far this week, have worked on and made a target plan which is now in place, "my team" presented the plan for my oldest son and I feel that it is a good and realistic plan.
"My team consists of several health professionals and specialists, who will work with me here at Sunnaas"
The main goal is: "I will have a meaningful everyday life with a good balance of activities"
In addition, I must have an understanding of what a brain injury is and how it affects my life
I'm feeling that I am pretty tired in my head, a lot is happening around me, but it is only positive, it feels good to be among people again, the social interaction with the other patients here is incredibly pleasant, and being able to sit and talk, play cards and exchange experiences in a calm and relaxed way is good, so even if I get tired, it feels good, calms my soul and mind.
Fredag 6 December
The week is coming to an end, Friday I had a good chat with the occupational therapist and training with the physiotherapist.
Had a very pleasant company a part of the way home, so a nice end to the week and a good start to the weekend.
Reflections after second week
I need to get better at balancing my day, Thursday I wasn't, the day was a bit too intense with various activities, I was tired in my head, out of energy, felt a lot of irritation and couldn't find peace. So must learn to use the rest breaks better.
Have started to gain an understanding of the consequences of having a brain injury and how it affects the cognitive functions that you need in your everyday life, at work, at home and in your social life to be able to function normally.
Week 3 on Sunnaas

Going into week 3 at Sunnaas, feeling a sense of gratitude for being here, was tired when I got home for the weekend, but have learned a lot, gained more understanding of what brain damage is and how it affects my life,
It is important to take into account that rehabilitation requires personal effort, will and motivation. Taking with you the knowledge you gain, learn and use it so that life can have a good content again.
I have learned that I need to get better at balancing my day between activities that need to be done and having resting periods, get better at saying stop and taking breaks
Now ready for the new week motivated and inspired
Onsdag December 11
So far this week I have learned about the brain and its different areas and which one affects the different cognitive functions that we need to function in our everyday life, learned about the different types of brain damage and how they can occur.
I have also learned about brain fatigue and am beginning to understand more that it is one of the things that is most common after a brain injury, learned about how I can communicate with others to get them to understand how brain fatigue affects me in various arenas, social gathrings, in shops and other places where lot og things happens around me.
Learned that I have an invisible handicap
Fredag desember 13
The week is over, time to go home on leave for a couple of days, the week has been good, I have gained a lot of new knowledge and understanding of my situation, learned that I am not alone with my challenges, that others are in the same situation,
Knowledge is wisdom that increases understanding so that I increase the possibilities for having a better quality of life in the future.
Reflections after week 3
Gotta brag about Sunnaas and the health staff here, you can't be in a better place when you have a physical or mental disability
I have become more aware of my own situation and understand better what I have to work on, and that brain fatigue is "normal" after a brain injury.
Rehabilitation at Sunnaas Hospital Week 4, Halfway:

My schedule for week 3, here on Sunnaas
