Rehabilitation on Sunnaas Hospital
Week 8 at Sunnaas: The last phase: I'm not who I was, but I'm still me

I'm not who I was, but I'm still me
Everything has an end, and my rehabilitation stay at Sunnaas hospital has come to an end, for this round, it is with a kind of sadness, but also many good feelings that I leave with.
When I arrived here in late November 2024, I was skeptical and confused, unsure of why I was here, who I was, and what to expect.
This has changed, I now know why I needed to be here and I am so grateful that I was given this opportunity.
No, I'm not leaving here healed, I didn't get a new brain, I didn't get medicine, pills or other types of medication, but knowledge, knowledge about what has happened to me, knowledge about how a brain injury affects my everyday life, knowledge about how I myself can take measures that give me a better everyday life with a meaningful content.
Learned, found and understood the new me, I have starte putting the new me together, understand that some blocks are missing and some have changed, but I am still me!
I have learned to fly, again, I have understood that the flock I flew with before has flown away from me and that I must find a new flock that understands the new me, that understands and accepts that I can fly, again, but that I now flies with a broken wing, that I don't fly as fast, not as high as before, but I'm flying, again!
I'm not who I was, but I'm still me

- My backpack has been filled with knowledge, information, strategies and new tools, I can use when I come home to re-start my life again, face the challenges stronger than before, I know that I have to do things differently, prioritise tasks differently. Accept that there are some things I can do anymore and that some people will no longer be part of my life, but also welcome new people into my life, new opportunities, do things differently, prioritise myself and my needs more. Life looks much brighter now with the knowledge and tools I have received at Sunnaas hospital.
- I have learned about how I can balance my everyday life, that brain fatigue means that I have to portion my everyday life in a better way so that I have surplus for the things that need to be done, get better to take a break, use meditation, breathing technique and or similar so that the brain can rest, avoid empty my energi completely, say stop, and take timeouts.
- I have learned about how communication changes after a brain injury and understand my challenges better, and that in order for me to be active in social situations, to join conversations and discussions again, I must continue to practice communication techniques, that I must choose which places and arenas that work for me, avoid places with a lot of noise and unrest, choose smaller groups, rather than larger gatherings. Better a little, than everything and nothing.
- By being with other patients, I have understood that I am not alone with my challenges, it gives me security in the face of those who do not understand what challenges I have, made contact with others who are in the same situation, built new relationships so that we can support and help each other, it is often easier to talk to those who have been and are in the same situation.
- The social interaction with other patients at Sunnaas has made me more confident in myself, and made me see that I can be active in a social life again, as long as I choose the right people, people who understand my challenges and accept them, learned that some give you energy and some don't, learned that I have to make proven choices about who to be with as far as possible, got tools that I can use when I'm in unsafe situations.
- My strategies going forward will be to work on and improve my communication skills, use the tools and the knowledge I have gained to practice and become confident in communication and social situations again.
- To train and work with what I have learned about balancing everyday life, avoiding and draining myself completely of energy, planning, creating a weekly schedule, dividing tasks into smaller pools, taking breaks and saying no to things.
- Continue with my good structure that I have, which I have got confirmed to be sensible. So I can focus and use my energy to things that I need to do, shopping, cleaning, training be sosial, explore new opportunities for a more meaningful everyday life.

Now I have finished the first part of the stay, will return in about 6 months for a follow up.
When I look back on my stay, I would first like to say a big thank you to the staff at Sunnaas, their compassion and expertise is just amazing, they rock💪🫶.
When I came here I was confused, didn't know who I was, being here has put my puzzle back together, taught me who I am, given me knowledge and the tools to move forward with my life, Sunnaas has taught me to fly again.
The combination of the highly competent staff and the social interaction with other patients who are in a similar situation has been the key for me to get up and fight again, and for that, I will always look back on my stay with gratitude for everything it has given me.
I take with me knowledge, knowledge about how damage to the brain affects the cognitive functions that I need, to be able to function at work, at home and in social situations.
I have gained an understanding of my own situation, which makes it easier for me to adapt my everyday life to the new me, an understanding which makes it easier to inform others about my situation.
I have learned that I have to change my expectations of myself, learn and accept the new me, and when one door closes, another opens.
I've got new tools in my backpack that I can use when I get back home to re-start life again, face the challenges stronger than before, I know that there are things and people I have to say goodbye to, but also wish new people welcome in my life and new opportunities, so life looks much brighter now after the stay at Sunnaas hospital.
I'm ready to fly, again!
Sunnaas Hospital, they learn people to fly, again. They Rock 🫶❤️ 🫶❤️